DJ Riley




Gain & Maintain

“Success isn’t just about reaching the top, it’s about the journey you take to get there. Remember to ‘Gain & Maintain’—gain the knowledge, skills, and experiences, and maintain your integrity, passion, and resilience.” – Daryl “DJ” Riley, Jr.


"I got to talk about my life as I see it!" Hey there! I'm Daryl "DJ" Riley Jr., and I'm excited to share a bit about myself with you! I'm a Newburgh, NY native who loves traveling and finds joy in watching basketball and track & field. I'm also an avid reader,...


About TENDAJITendaji is a fashion technology startup that seamlessly integrates advanced technology with modern streetwear. Founded in June 2020, Tendaji aims to revolutionize the fashion industry by creating innovative, tech-enhanced clothing that not only looks good...


"Eliminate Inequity, Culminate Opportunity." Our goal is to empower the entire Black Diaspora through collaboration, insight-driven initiatives, and building power within the community.  "This is very possible to ... get our whole community to become one instead...


Welcome to the Success tab, where we celebrate the milestones and achievements that define Daryl Riley, Jr.'s multifaceted journey. This section highlights the various recognitions and accolades that DJ has received over the years, reflecting his commitment to...


LifestyleWelcome to My World!Click Photos to EnlargeTravelFamilyPurpose


Interested in Connecting? I'd love to hear from you! Whether you have questions, feedback, or are interested in potential collaborations, please don't hesitate to reach out.Contact